What's your life credo or favorite saying?
I'm 40 years old and that's sort of like halfway, I'm going to live forever so it's not really, but life is extremely short and I'm not of those people that is always happy but when I'm happy and when small nice things happen, like meeting somebody on the corridor, then I'm going to enjoy it, we say milk it like a cow... I'm going to milk it for all that milk in the cow :-)
I mean why just experience boring moments, why not experience 100% joy.
Who is your model?
One of the most important models in my life HAS BEEN Madonna. I'm serious because Madonna came from basically nothing and to become at one time of the most important female figures in the world. She had a lot of influence and she did many great things with that influence that most people don't know about.
Now in my life I don't have any models expect for little bits of everyone.
Who is your favourite singer?
Besides myself it would be Madonna and Mr. Kotler.
Who was (is) your biggest love?
It is a little personal. I think there are many ways of loving. I don't want to be corny but definitely with my mother I have an extremely close relationship, she is very important to me and right now in my life I have the most love for the students and it's a very strange feeling 'cause I feel like some kind of father-friend.
What is your favourite activity at school?
Meeting students in the hallway.
Do you feel fulfilled with teaching?
I'm surprised to enjoy teaching so much but always think there is something better I can do so in certain ways it's very fulfilling. But it still makes me think about what I don't have so it is both fulfilling and mind-boggling.
Was teaching your dream?
Never, acting was my dream...
There are many similar things about it. You know students are the toughest audience I've ever had.
Would you like to speak Czech reasonably well?
Not really... but because I have to I'm going to.
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