What do you think about students in the Czech republic?
I do notice that students are afraid to be creative 'cause they didn't get that much experience. In the US you're allowed to have more freedom to create and to learn your own way you want to. But that doesn't mean it's better.
What would you change about it?
Hmm when we talk about this system...you know I don't know much about education theory.
What would you change about our school?
I think school needs to be more than school. It needs to be place where students like to go. So many of the students tell me that school is boring and it's horrible and they don't listen their teachers and things like this. And I think it's not a student's fault, it's the fault of the school or the system. But I mean it's really not the fault of anyone - maybe the Russian army - but I don't even think that it's that great in the US but there are certainly ways to change things about the classroom situation and the school situation to make it more interesting for some students.
Are you satisfied with the leadership of our school?
YES!! Mr. Toman. I swear to God he is fantastic. I'm so happy and I'm not lying. I have no idea what it's like for students but for me as a teacher he is the best employer I've ever worked for.
About me
- Nicole
- A girl who wants to live in England, never fall in love, buy an iPod 32GB, read all books from Stephen King and see Linkin Park at least 10 more times. Yeah, it’s not really hard to please me.
- Pouť, 3. + 4. část
- Pouť, 2. část
- Pouť!
- Místo mozku fotbalový míč
- MTV Europe Music Awards 2009
- Petice vyšla!
- Grrrr
- Tak jsem lehla
- Uprising
- Bla bla bla
- Interview with Kevin, 3. část
- Oficiální trailer na NM!
- Interview with Kevin, 2. část
- Včera mě tak napadlo...
- Den blbec
- Jen tak tak
- Co když to nedám?
- Tohle prostě musím napsat
- Ztráta paměti
- Ou jéé
- Uff
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2 komentářů:
Ta poslední otázka je fakt drsná. :-) Rád bych viděl nějakého lektora, který by řekl pravý opak. :-)) Ale vaši školu neznám, to píšu spíš jen tak obecně. To je jako ve filmu o filmu: Jak se vám hrálo pod vedením režiséra XY. - Skvěle! Je to bytostný umělec. :-)
Já Kevina vlastně ani tak moc neznám, měli jsme ho jenom jednou na konverzaci ale je to vážně podivín :)